Entrega en mano
A seedy hotel room in a small American town. A strange guy offers a reward to recover the hand that was cut off 27 years ago and that, since then, he has been obsessively searching for. A young black man and his white girlfriend want to trick him by offering him a hand that is not his. The peculiar hotel receptionist interferes in such an unusual transaction and a comedy is unleashed in which, along with biting and corrosive humor, hot topics such as racism, machismo, and xenophobia exude.
- Company: Contraproducciones
- Production: Contraproducións en coproducción con Mostra de Teatro Cómico y Festivo de Cangas
- Author: Martin McDonagh
- Version and direction: Cándido Pazó
- Set design and props: Pablo Giráldez “O Pastor”
- Costume designer: Martina Cambeiro
- Lighting: Afonso Castro
- Music: Guillerme Fernández
- Cast: Evaristo Calvo, Santi Romay, María Roja, Diogo Sales
sunday 20 october / 18:00 h
80′ approximately
Patio and club 22 €
Box seating 16 €
Amphitheater 10 €

Theatre voucher discount
180 €. 10 theatre tickets only in stalls seats and Club Seats.

University student discount
30% (all sectors and all functions where indicated)

Theatre students discount
(50% in amphitheatre for events to be allocated)

Discount for under 25s
25% (all sectors and in all functions where it is recorded)

Pensioners discount
25% (all sectors and in all functions where it is recorded)

Unemployed discount
15% (all sectors and all functions where indicated)

Carnet Jove discount
25% (in theater performances).