Royal visits and celebrities

Royal Visits

Throughout its history, the Teatro Principal has received several royal visits: Amadeo I on March 15, 1871, Isabel II on March 26, 1858, Alfonso XIII on January 17, 1909, Sofia of Greece on May 6, 1991 and Juan Carlos and Sofia on April 18, 1995.

Performing Arts and Music Personalities

Since its inauguration, the Teatro Principal has been a place of great significance for the city. Countless important activities have been carried out there. Suffice it to mention the relevant figures of the performing arts and music who have performed there:

Margarita Xirgu, Julián Gayarre, Julián Romea, María Guerrero, Sagi-Barba, José and María Isbert, Marcos Redondo, Pablo Sarasate, Pastora Imperio, Lola Flores, Valeriano León, Aurora Redondo, María Fernanda Ladrón de Guevara, Amparo Rivelles, Concha Piquer, Juanita Reina, Andrés Segovia, Narciso Yepes, María Asquerino, Fernando Fernán Gómez, Arthur Rubinstein, Mary Carrillo, Ismael Merlo, Alberto Closas, José María Rodero, Concha Velasco, Joaquín Cortés, Aitana Sánchez Gijón, Irene and Julia Gutierrez Caba, José Luis López Vázquez, María Jesús Valdés, Antonio Gades, Victor Ullate, Ainhoa Arteta, Federico Luppi, Nuria Espért, Adolfo Marsillach, Norma Alejandro, Ángel Corella, María Gimenez, Julio Bocca, Antonio Canales, Rosa Mª Sardà, Lola Herrera, Juan Echanove, Natalia Dicenta, José Mª Pou, José Sacristán, Lindsay Kemp, Ana Mª Sánchez, José Sempere…

As well as formations of great scenic significance such as:
Els Joglars, Tricicle, Dagoll Dagom and Teatre Lliure.

175th anniversary memory Teatro Principal

Program 2024

Program FITCA 2024

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