On October 23, 1991, LLÁMALO SUEÑO, OBK’s first album, was released. From that day on, the history of the best-selling pop-electronic group in the history of music in Spain was built. That first album sold 400,000 copies and contained hits such as “Oculta Realidad”, “De que me sirve llorar”, “Historias de Amor” and “La princesa de mis sueños”. During their career they have released 15 albums, most of them studio albums, some compilations and the last album was recorded in 2016 coinciding with their 25 years of career. OBK LIVE IN MEXICO, OBK’s first live album in their career and recorded in Mexico City during their tour in America. An album that was missing in their extensive career and that fans were demanding. Since that October 23, 1991 until now, OBK has spent more than 30 years, more than 1,500,000 records sold and more than 1,000 concerts in Spain, Europe and Latin America and these figures make OBK one of the most important artists in Spanish music and his concerts, apart from a collection of hits, are a real party!!

thursday 8 may / 20:30 h
90′ approximately
Patio and club 45 €
Box seating 38 €
Amphitheater 32 €