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We are at the beginning of a rehearsal, the actors are already arriving and, shortly after, the director. The actress who is always late, of course, is late. The play they are about to rehearse is, curiously, by Luigi Pirandello: “The Role Play”, a comedy about a love triangle. The actors stoically endure the director’s bad mood; The director, for his part, can’t stand almost anyone, not even Pirandello, and he is fussy about everything and everyone. Until the rehearsal is interrupted by a family of six individuals who declare that they have been born characters and make an impossible claim: that someone represent their drama. In this way, comedy mixes with tragedy, fantasy with reality and the characters with the actors.
- Production: Producciones Teatrales Faraute, S.L.
- Author: Luigi Pirandello
- Adaptation: Antonio Álamo
- Address: Pepa Gamboa
- Set design: Antonio Marín
- Lighting design: Juanjo Llorens
- Costume design: Pier Paolo Alvaro / Roger Portal C Music: Eduardo Aguirre De Cárcer
- Photography: Marcos G. Punto
- Realization of decorations: Z Scenography and Painting
- Cast: Aiden Botia, Eva Egido, Ruth Gabriel, Nuria Gallardo, Ramón Langa, Chema León, Paula Muñoz, Didier Otaola, Montse Peidro, Fernando Ramallo, Jorge Torres y Lena Vega.
saturday 5 october / 20:00 h
95′ approximately
Patio and club 25 €
Box seating 18 €
Amphitheater 12 €

Theatre voucher discount
180 €. 10 theatre tickets only in stalls seats and Club Seats.

University student discount
30% (all sectors and all functions where indicated)

Theatre students discount
(50% in amphitheatre for events to be allocated)

Discount for under 25s
25% (all sectors and in all functions where it is recorded)

Pensioners discount
25% (all sectors and in all functions where it is recorded)

Unemployed discount
15% (all sectors and all functions where indicated)

Carnet Jove discount
25% (in theater performances).