Tierra de Juana
“Tierra de Juana” revolves around the life and work of the great Alicante painter Juana Francés on the centenary of her birth (1924-2024). To evoke the world of Juana Francés is to move between figuration, abstraction, disfigured figuration, rubble, pieces of broken bricks, comets, boxes, seabeds… it is to go beyond the two-dimensional world of the pictorial support of canvas to descend to the depths of the sea, of solitude and alienation and to ascend to the heights of human joy or simply to let a handful of earth run through our fingers.
- Company: Professional Conservatory of Dance “José Espadero”
- Choreography: Paula Serrano, Alba Alberola, Ángel Juárez
- Artistic direction: Abel Martí, Néstor de Lara
- Repetition: Natalia Albertos, Paula Saiz, Carla Moll, Marina Pastor, Lucrecia Villó
- Collaboration in artistic design and production: MACA (Museu d’Art Contemporani d’Alacant), Teatre Principal, Escola d’Art i Superior de Disseny d’Alacant, IES Luis García Berlanga
- Cast: Students of the Conservatorio Profesional de Danza “José Espadero”
thursday 15 may / 20:00 h
75′ approximately
Patio and club 12 €
Box seating 10 €
Amphitheater 8 €

Dance students discount
20% (all sectors and all functions where indicated)